Exiting news! I've been selected to take part in the sixth iteration of Handshake. A New Zealand mentoring programme that encourages experimentation in the field of Contemporary Jewellery and Objects through coaching, local or international exhibitions. Master jeweller and educator Iris Eichenberg, in charge of selections, appointed Monika Brugger to be my mentor. Native to Germany, Monika has been practising and teaching in France for over 30 years.
I look forward to two years of development, research, experimentation and exhibitions, guided by an experienced senior educator. At the end of every year there will be a group exhibition, first at Te Auaha in Wellington, and then in 2021 at the Pah Homestead in Auckland. Visit handshakeproject.com/handshake-6/ to follow my personal blog, for virtual exhibitions etc.
Table with materials, during Iris Eichenberg's masterclass. Feb '20
September 22 – November 18Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum (National Museum of Decorative Arts and Design) in Trondheim, Norway.
A link necklace procured by Jorunn during Munich Jewellery Week in March 2018 will be shown in this exhibition curated by Gjertrud Steinsvåg. The exhibition consists of 320 pieces by 150 artists from 23 countries, and tells the story of the development of a collection and a collector from the age of 18 till today.
A Contemporary Jewellery exhibition submitted in partial fulfillment of the Master of Visual Arts at Otago Polytechnic School of Arts DSA Gallery by Auckland based visual artistMacarena Bernal Ground Floor, P Block Riego Street (off Albany St) Dunedin, NZ ...
Musee des Arts Décoratifs Paris has purchased "europeño 3 " a necklace composed of 19 links, to become part of their permanent Contemporary Jewellery Collection
"Social Media Profile" is one of a series of 8 "Arifacts from Another Time" that where pre selected for the Molly Morpeth Canaday Awards 3D. The exhibition takes place in Whakatane, New Zealand from the 17th March to the 8th April 2018. I'm honoured to have been selected for such a prestigious exhibition of three dimensional objects of art. Wish me luck!!!